29:48duration 29 minutes 48 seconds
Auth 1412 Tomiaiulo
29:10duration 29 minutes 10 seconds
Auth 1201 Peter Kilduff
01:13:54duration 1 hour 13 minutes
Lessons Learned In Finland
29:57duration 29 minutes 57 seconds
Auth 1002 - Judy Mandel
26:47duration 26 minutes 47 seconds
Auth 0606 Geri Radasci
28:06duration 28 minutes 6 seconds
Authors 1706 : Dennis Quinn
Macrophotography: Create Larger-Than-Life Photographs of Nature's Smallest Subjects, Dennis Quinn (Alumnus) Dennis Quinn is a Connecticut native, earned a Master of Arts degree from…
28:51duration 28 minutes 51 seconds
FPS 1604: Mitch Hallock
Terrificon producer Mitch Hallock gives Ashley Ayala the low down on the ins and outs of producing a comic convention.