51:28duration 51 minutes 28 seconds
How a large District Organized Itself
From Ryan Wark
53:05duration 53 minutes 5 seconds
Teacher Leadership and Authentic Voice
01:01:51duration 1 hour 1 minute
Dr Tony Wagner and Dr Yong Zhao
01:31:15duration 1 hour 31 minutes
TLFP Welcome and Keynote Address with Dr Yong…
TLFP Welcome and Keynote Address with Dr Yong Zhao.mp4
01:01:31duration 1 hour 1 minute
Dr Yong Zhao Conversationwith Teacher Leader…
Dr Yong Zhao Conversationwith Teacher Leader Fellows
35:50duration 35 minutes 50 seconds
TLFP Next Steps
57:03duration 57 minutes 3 seconds
59:31duration 59 minutes 31 seconds
Duke Teach House
01:02:23duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Rethinking Time
01:01:42duration 1 hour 1 minute
Empowering Teacher Leadership by Design
52:13duration 52 minutes 13 seconds
Teacher Leaders as Coaches and Mentors
40:29duration 40 minutes 29 seconds
Solving Problems Together