University Events
From Ryan Wark June 20th, 2017
12 | 01:07:15duration 1 hour 7 minutes
Panel 3 Student and Alumni Experiences
From Chad Valk May 26th, 2017
20 | 11:38duration 11 minutes 38 seconds
Panel 1 Bilal Sekou
4 | 38:15duration 38 minutes 15 seconds
No Walls Here_Assisting our Undocumented Students
From Ryan Wark June 15th, 2017
20 | 00:53duration 53 seconds
EIT 2016 Promo- Gauging Success
From wark_ryj May 26th, 2017
18 | 00:53duration 53 seconds
EIT 2016 Promo- Engaged Classrooms
54 | 08:47duration 8 minutes 47 seconds
Excellence In Teaching 2016
5 | 46:00duration 46 minutes 0 seconds
Panel 4 Question and Answer
8 | 07:35duration 7 minutes 35 seconds
Panel 4 Matt Lesser
2 | 10:25duration 10 minutes 25 seconds
Panel 4 Brad Russell
12 | 05:05duration 5 minutes 5 seconds
Panel 2 Subira Gordon